To start off here are two of our selection of table candlesticks. Most venues don't allow candles to be lit, but don't worry we have some fantastic non candle candles. We will supply battery opperated ones which look really good. I will post photos of others as we continue with our Blogs
We have some other candlesticks to make your day, including some beautiful large ones that stand on the table or the floor and are over 3 foot tall and are even bigger with the candles in them.
At our wedding there were three people who we really wanted to be there, but very sadly, circumstances would not allow. In order to make sure these important people were not forgotten on a big big day for us, we placed a mini table and chairs on the top table right in front of the Bride and Groom. That placed those really important people right in the fore front of all our thoughts at the important times in the day. We have seven chairs and two tables available so we should be able to cater for most eventualities.

Some clients find it difficult to know what to do to keep the little ones happy for what can be a big day for them. Our beautiful lace wigwam has loads of comfy cushions and colouring and drawing stuff in abundence. We also can provide a number of puzzle books to keep the little ones occupied.

We are starting a full stock take which will include photographs and a shop where you can choose for yourselves, and we will provide.